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USAID/Guinea/Democracy, Rights and Governance (DRG) Annual Program Statement (APS) for a Forest Region United in Peace and Development (FRUIPaD) Program (No. APS-675-OAA-17-000001)



ISSUANCE DATE: July 14, 2017
CLOSING DATE: August 13, 2017
OUTREACH CONFERENCE: August 3rd, 2017 (10:00 am-12:00 pm)
Prima Center Conference Room
Transversal 2, Conakry Republic of Guinea

SUBJECT: USAID/Guinea/Democracy, Rights and Governance (DRG) Annual Program Statement (APS) for a Forest Region United in Peace and Development (FRUIPaD) Program (No. APS-675-OAA-17-000001)

Pursuant to the Foreign Assistance Act of 1961, as amended, the United States Government (USG), as represented by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), USAID/Guinea, invites applications for funding from qualified Local non-U.S., non-profit, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), to carry out activities that mitigate conflict and promote local development in the Guinea Forest Region by bringing together individuals of different ethnic, religious or political backgrounds from areas of civil conflict (ethnic, religious, social etc.).
The purpose of this Addendum is to disseminate information to prospective applicants so that they may develop and submit concept papers for USAID/Guinea funding. USAID/Guinea anticipates awarding a single or maximum of two grants and/or cooperative agreements as a result of this Addendum.

USAID/Guinea through the local solution approach intends to engage with local civil society organizations (CSO)/community-based organizations (CBO) on reconciliation and local development opportunities. Recognizing the fact that conflict and development are deeply intertwined, activities will build on current and the recently concluded United States Government (USG) -funded Reconciliation and National Unity activities implemented by Search for Common Ground (SFCG) promoting participatory and inclusive dialogues in the Forest Region.

The priorities set the framework for this APS addendum, which solicits program ideas from Guinean Civil Society Organizations/Community-Based Organizations (CSO/CBOs,), private sector institutions, and other Guinean nongovernmental entities, for USAID/Guinea to review and potentially support through cooperative agreements, grants and direct technical assistance. Applicants may propose concept papers for one or more activities in one or more of the components outlined below.
Component 1: Expand peacebuilding practices
Component 2: Forge common identity to facilitate constructive engagement and to mitigate future conflict
Component 3: Leveraging socio-economic opportunities to maximize youth and women’s networks gains in conflict management.
The full addendum can be found at, and under the announcement number under APS-675-OAA-17-000001
USAID/Guinea will hold a pre-application workshop on August 3rd, 2017 at Prima Center Conference Room, Transversal 2 -Conakry Republic of Guinea. The time will be from 10:00am until 12:00pm
Thank you for your interest in USAID.