TITLE: Human Resource Expert Consultant
REPORT TO: Finance and Operations Director
PROJECT: USAID Global Health Supply Chain – Procurement and Supply Management (GHSC-PSM)
Background: The purpose of the USAID GHSC-PSM project is to ensure uninterrupted supplies of health commodities in support of USG-funded public health initiatives around the world. The project provides direct procurement and supply chain management support to the President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), the President’s Malaria Initiative (PMI), and Population and Reproductive Health. In supporting USG-funded global health activities, PSM will develop and manage a wide array of services for health commodity procurement and related systems strengthening technical assistance encompassing different elements of a comprehensive supply chain.
At the country level, GHSC-PSM supports country strategies and priorities that fall under the following three project objectives:
- Purchase of pharmaceutical products and their logistics worldwide
- Technical Assistance for Systems Strengthening
- Global Collaboration to Improve Long-Term Availability of Health Commodities.
The overall goal of GHSC-PSM in Guinea is to ensure uninterrupted supplies of health commodities in PEPFAR supported regions.
The GHSC-PSM project in Guinea began hiring local staff in August 2017 and currently employs 22 local staff on long-term and short-term employment agreements. Chemonics International, which implements the GHSC-PSM project in Guinea, is seeking the support of an HR expert consultant to undertake a market review to assess both the appropriateness and competitiveness of the local benefits package provided to Guinean staff and write a report of findings and recommendations.
Principal Duties and Responsibilities
- Conduct rapid market research on housing and transportation rates, and any other major elements affecting the cost of living, in Guinea
- Benchmark current benefits and allowances against similar implementing organizations operating in Guinea
- Review and assess current salary package of staff focusing on benefits and allowances and propose a more competitive benefits package that respects all labor law codes in Guinea
- Report on any discrepancy between the level of benefits offered in terms of lodging, transportation by GHSC-PSM and the real cost of these benefits in Guinea.
- Support all benefits and allowances package propositions by concrete documentation showing current level of cost in terms of lodging, transportation, and cost of living in Guinea.
Job Qualifications
- Master’s degree in Human Resource Management or Administration
- At least ten years of professional experience in Human Resource and Staff Management
- Strong analytical and problem-solving skills
- Fluency in French and/or English
- Strong skills in report redaction
Duration of Assignment
This is a short-term consultant assignment that will last for 10 days.
Location of Assignment: The location of assignment is in Conakry
Supervision: The HR Expert Consultant will report directly to the Finance and Operations Director.
Application Instructions: Please send electronic submissions of your CV and Cover Letter to: no later than May 24, 2019.
Please include “Human Resource Expert Consultant” in the subject line. No telephone inquiries please. Finalists will be contacted.